deepest recession 2.04   Japan is battling its deepest recession since World War II.
  deepest part 1.97   Trench to the deepest part of the ocean.
  deepest sympathy 1.45   May I express my deepest sympathy.
  deepest pocket 1.25   He predicts that players will migrate toward the teams with the deepest pockets.
  deepest feeling 1.18   That is the seat of her deepest feeling.
  deepest level 1.05   But such explanations do not penetrate to the deepest level.
  deepest cut 0.99   The budget knife cuts deepest in the poorest nations.
  deepest fear 0.86   I plunk down a dollar and confront my deepest fears.
  deepest slump 0.86   But that has done little to pull the economy from its deepest slump in decades.
  deepest secret 0.72   Emma Garnet shared her deepest secrets with me.
  deepest hole 0.59   Q. What is the deepest hole dug so far?
  deepest desire 0.53   It is incumbent upon me to do so, it is my duty, my deepest desire.
  deepest downturn 0.53   The economy has been struggling to emerge from its deepest downturn in a half century.
  deepest need 0.53   Even his adored wife, Julia, appears consistently insensitive to his deepest needs.
  deepest position 0.53   The deepest position.
  deepest recess 0.53   I have spoken from the deepest recesses of my soul.
  deepest team 0.53   Odom has the deepest team in the league.
  deepest emotion 0.46   I know that is the deepest emotion in his heart.
  deepest pool 0.46   Gaining a listing in New York provides access to the deepest pool of investment capital in the world.
  deepest regret 0.46   But to my deepest regret it is true.
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