declared candidate 4.61   There are few declared candidates.
  declared state 1.18   The five declared nuclear states will all sign the treaty this week.
  declared goal 0.92   He said the declared goal of the government is to reduce taxes in general.
  declared aim 0.86   Suharto came to Bosnia with no declared aim.
  declared intention 0.86   It is their declared intention to increase taxes.
  declared war 0.86   Vietnam was not a declared war.
  declared power 0.59   Israel has accepted the compromise, as have the remaining declared powers.
  declared bankruptcy 0.46   Bre-X has since declared bankruptcy in Canada.
  declared objective 0.39   If NATO settles for less than its declared objectives, Blair will not be the one faulted.
  declared policy 0.39   The declared policy is that it has a purely peaceful program.
  declared cease-fire 0.33   The two sides will resume full security cooperation and exert maximum efforts to sustain the declared cease-fire.
  declared homosexual 0.33   But he added that he did not want to allow declared homosexuals to enter the military.
  declared nuclear-weapons 0.26   China was the only declared nuclear-weapons power not represented.
  declared opponent 0.26   Other declared opponents of abortion disagree with this position.
  declared victory 0.26   Saddam got up, declared victory, grew stronger by the day and again is a global terrorist threat.
  declared winner 0.26   There was no declared winner off the racetrack.
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