declare state 50.43   He has declared a state of emergency.
  declare independence 37.00   He has already said he will not declare independence.
  declare war 29.16   Declare war on drugs.
  declare victory 20.08   Arpaio declared victory.
  declare bankruptcy 18.30   Declare bankruptcy.
  declare candidacy 13.76   Neither man has yet declared his candidacy.
  declare cease-fire 11.13   IRA declares cease-fire.
  declare intention 10.01   Smith has declared his intention to change that.
  declare support 9.35   The holdouts have declared support for Ranariddh.
  declare emergency 8.10   Hospital officials declared an emergency.
  declare mistrial 7.44   A mistrial was declared.
  declare statehood 6.25   The Jews declared statehood.
  declare winner 5.40   A winner is declared.
  declare innocence 5.07   Kaunda has declared his innocence.
  declare impasse 4.94   Both unions in the talks declared an impasse.
  declare ceasefire 4.48   A ceasefire was declared last May.
  declare moratorium 3.95   He simply declared a moratorium.
  declare end 3.55   Moscow and Tokyo have yet to formally declare an end to the war.
  declare truce 3.36   Richie and I declared a truce.
  declare opposition 3.23   Russia declared its opposition earlier this year.
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