decade be 5.00   But the decade is wrong.
  decade pass 2.96   Finally, almost a decade has passed.
  decade see 2.50   Ensuing decades saw datingy become a commodity.
  decade come 0.99   And no other decade comes close.
  decade bring 0.92   The ensuing decade has brought change for Cox as well.
  decade devastate 0.79   Congo, formerly called Zaire, was devastated by decades of misrule under Mobutu.
  decade begin 0.66   The world has changed a great deal since this decade began.
  decade go 0.66   A decade went by.
  decade have 0.66   Each decade has had its own culture.
  decade make 0.66   What a difference a decade makes.
  decade end 0.59   The decade ended with an earthquake year.
  decade cause 0.46   Nothing can make up fully for the delay caused by decades of fitful cooperation between the FBI and local law enforcement.
  decade leave 0.46   The intervening decade left him a changed man.
  decade ravage 0.46   The central region was particularly ravaged by decades of war.
  decade treat 0.46   Tamoxifen has been used for decades to treat breast cancer.
  decade follow 0.39   Turbulent decades followed.
  decade ruin 0.39   Its farm industry has been ruined by decades of mismanagement aggravated by years of bad weather.
  decade spend 0.39   Decades of work spent building the communities washed away in a single event.
  decade teach 0.33   The last decade has taught us there is money to be made from being pugnacious on the air waves.
  decade become 0.26   In the private sector, Kroll said, the decade has become the era of the megafraud.
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