debate issue 22.84   The issue was debated in Parliament.
  debate bill 8.23   The bill has been debated for years.
  debate proposal 4.67   Congress has been debating such proposals for years.
  debate merit 4.41   We have debated the merits of multiple plans and time limits.
  debate measure 4.08   Experts debate safety measures.
  debate legislation 3.88   The Parliament will debate the legislation Wednesday.
  debate motion 2.83   Parliament will debate the motion Monday.
  debate plan 2.57   The Diet is debating that plan.
  debate amendment 2.50   The amendments will be debated next week.
  debate reform 2.44   The legislature debates criminal justice reform.
  debate question 2.11   There will be time to debate these questions later.
  debate matter 2.04   Advisers are debating the matter.
  debate point 1.91   Others debate that point.
  debate law 1.78   National Assembly debates immigration law.
  debate way 1.71   Commonwealth debates ways of punishing Nigeria.
  debate resolution 1.65   The Senate will debate the resolution tomorrow.
  debate future 1.58   Israelis debate its future.
  debate change 1.51   Parliament is debating the changes.
  debate policy 1.18   Congress is debating telecommunications policy this month.
  debate idea 1.12   Several ideas have been debated.
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