datum on 87.43   Data on these biles are shown in Table I.
  datum from 70.38   Data from Leonard et al.
  datum for 39.43   Data for Friday were not available.
  datum in 23.70   Data in, data out.
  datum to 23.24   A statement to output data to an output port.
  datum about 17.51   Another button pops up data about weather ahead.
  datum into 7.31   He copied the data into a notebook.
  datum with 7.18   Back up your data with more data.
  datum as 6.58   But data as lifeblood?
  datum over 6.45   Routers and switches move data over networks.
  datum at 6.39   WaveTop pumps out its data at regular times.
  datum by 5.00   But more data by race may be forthcoming.
  datum of 4.94   When A calls B, it sends data of type D to B.
  datum between 3.03   You can also easily link data between documents.
  datum through 2.90   Also, you cannot send data through your card.
  datum such_as 2.37   It also looked at survival and clinical data such as immune cell counts.
  datum without 2.24   So they re-analyzed their data without these men.
  datum before 1.97   The church observatory produced data long before the telescope.
  datum due 1.97   Investors were awaiting US employment data due Friday, dealers said.
  datum after 1.71   MITI tallies the data after adjustment for seasonal factors.
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