damaged building 8.29   A few waved from damaged buildings.
  damaged area 5.99   Cut a patch larger than the damaged area.
  damaged home 4.74   The most badly damaged homes get first priority.
  damaged goods 4.54   Can you say damaged goods?
  damaged house 3.88   Damaged houses will be repaired.
  damaged car 3.55   His damaged car will probably have to be replaced.
  damaged heart 2.63   Being active is good for damaged hearts.
  damaged module 2.37   Mir crew prepares for trip into damaged module.
  damaged vehicle 2.24   He emphasized that damaged vehicles must be sold at used-car rates.
  damaged knee 2.17   The final result is a permanently damaged knee joint.
  damaged plane 2.11   The damaged plane remains in China.
  damaged section 1.91   Pry out the damaged section with a putty knife.
  damaged property 1.78   Where is the damaged property?
  damaged tissue 1.78   Pig intestines may regenerate damaged tissues.
  damaged ligament 1.71   He also has a damaged ulnar collateral ligament.
  damaged road 1.71   Rain also caused landslides, damaged key roads and dams.
  damaged part 1.51   Help rebuild damaged parts of Dubrovnik and Ravno.
  damaged cartilage 1.32   Kostelic had surgery last month to remove damaged cartilage from her left knee.
  damaged nerve 1.32   This absence of feeling, I dismissed as damaged nerve endings.
  damaged cell 1.18   It cleans up damaged cells and toxic chemicals.
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