dam be 8.29   The dam is all but a fact.
  dam break 1.25   The dam then broke.
  dam burst 1.18   The dam bursts.
  dam have 0.66   Without a plan for repairs, the old dam would have had to be breached.
  dam collapse 0.59   But authorities later said the dam did not collapse.
  dam generate 0.59   For example, more dams could generate electricity, Arias said.
  dam provide 0.59   Dukan dam provides electricity to Iraqi Kurdistan.
  dam block 0.53   The dam blocks a tributary feeding into the Red River.
  dam form 0.53   How can you tell if ice dams are forming?
  dam come 0.46   Then came the dam.
  dam go 0.46   When Mitch came, Santos says, the dam went first.
  dam fail 0.39   The committee is to determine why the dam failed and recommend ways of avoiding future spills.
  dam hold 0.39   But the dam held.
  dam cause 0.33   However, these dams also cause problems.
  dam occur 0.33   Ice dams can occur with or without gutters.
  dam affect 0.26   There are four endangered fish in the Upper Colorado River Basin that the dams have affected.
  dam become 0.26   The dams also have become an issue in the presidential race.
  dam destroy 0.26   Its opponents say the new dam will destroy the natural heritage in the region.
  dam discharge 0.26   With heavy rains causing dams upstream to discharge water from swollen reservoirs, the Han River rose dangerously high, city officials said.
  dam make 0.26   So to Indian planners, the Tehri dam makes doubly good sense.
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