cypriot government 4.21   The Cypriot government sent the case to Strasbourg.
  cypriot police 3.09   They said two Cypriot police were aboard to escort the Palestinians back.
  cypriot leader 1.91   Cypriot leaders to meet again.
  cypriot authority 1.84   Cypriot authorities had been very positive, he added.
  cypriot official 1.58   His comments enraged Cypriot officials.
  cypriot president 0.92   The Cypriot president was accompanied by his Foreign Minister Alecos Mikhailides on the three-day visit.
  cypriot capital 0.79   They have staged noisy protests outside his office in Nicosia, the Cypriot capital.
  cypriot airspace 0.59   Turkey, A NATO partner but traditional rival of Greece, denied it invaded Cypriot airspace on Tuesday.
  cypriot army 0.53   A Cypriot army spokesman said an inquiry had been launched.
  cypriot counterpart 0.53   Fahmi said the Arab ministers also met with their Cypriot counterpart for the first time.
  cypriot ship 0.53   Seized Cypriot ship released.
  cypriot court 0.46   The three soldiers were remanded in custody for eight days by a Cypriot court on Tuesday.
  cypriot policeman 0.46   Two Cypriot policemen are aboard the plane, the reports said.
  cypriot passport 0.39   Cyprus said a Cypriot passport found on Ocalan at the time of his arrest was forged.
  cypriot protester 0.39   Cypriot protesters Monday disrupted the start of British military exercise in the Akamas forest in northwestern Cyprus.
  cypriot team 0.39   Reed, Stone and Davis were basketball players with Cypriot teams.
  cypriot aviation 0.33   Cypriot aviation officials said the airliner flew straight through Syrian airspace towards Baghdad.
  cypriot delegation 0.33   One official in the Cypriot delegation was injured.
  cypriot embassy 0.33   Police said the thieves used duplicate keys to get in to the Cypriot embassy, stealing several hundred francs.
  cypriot flag 0.33   The ship is reported to carry a Cypriot flag and an Egyptian crew.
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