customer be 83.41   Am longtime customer!
  customer have 29.30   Customers have choices.
  customer want 19.09   A customer wants a pizza.
  customer buy 17.12   But will customers buy?
  customer pay 16.59   Customers pay by the minute.
  customer get 15.14   And customers are getting angry.
  customer use 12.24   Customers used the number as their own.
  customer include 11.19   Its customers include Fiat and Daewoo.
  customer come 8.29   Customers come and go.
  customer say 7.83   The customer said no.
  customer complain 7.44   Customers complained.
  customer choose 7.37   Which one should customers choose?
  customer receive 6.98   Pay customers receive priority over free ones.
  customer need 6.25   Customers do not need a computer.
  customer find 6.12   Customers find it worth the wait.
  customer ask 5.99   And the customer can ask.
  customer make 5.92   So customers made the best of it.
  customer see 5.92   Customers could also see a downside, though.
  customer take 5.33   A customer has taken a seat.
  customer call 4.74   Customers may call them crab.
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