curved surface 1.32   Use it to reshape curved metal surfaces.
  curved line 1.05   ...the curved lines of the chairs.
  curved wall 0.92   Curved walls create irregular movement within the space.
  curved roof 0.86   She stood back, regarded the curved roof and nodded approvingly.
  curved blade 0.66   The knife had a heavy curved blade.
  curved shape 0.53   Nature executes her designs with curved shapes and flowing lines.
  curved edge 0.39   Your Lloyd pushes against that curved edge and eases it back into its slot.
  curved horn 0.39   A ram with curved horns ripples with sensual, almost human muscles.
  curved screen 0.39   Even though the curved Cinerama screen tended to distort the image at the corners, audiences loved the place.
  curved side 0.39   One new piece, the Serpentine Bench, gets its name from the concave curved sides.
  curved back 0.33   Its curved back has an inset panel of gilded bronze cutwork.
  curved bar 0.26   The impressive curved bar near the entrance has fish aquariums built into the back wall.
  curved beak 0.26   The crested ibis is noted for its red face, pink tinged wings and gracefully curved beak.
  curved dagger 0.26   A curved dagger was tucked inside her belt.
  curved front 0.26   In time, the sleigh bed would become more refined, with less detail, to resemble the curved front of a sleigh.
  curved handle 0.26   The curved handle fits nicely in my hand.
  curved path 0.26   An aeroplane is flown on a specifically curved path-a parabola.
  curved staircase 0.26   Inside, a marvelous curved staircase presides over a magnificent entrance hall.
  curved top 0.26   Tape two paper plates together to create a spaceship with a curved top and bottom.
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