culture be 30.48   Blues culture is dead.
  culture have 5.60   Our whole culture has no obsessions.
  culture become 2.44   Here culture becomes insistently democratic.
  culture change 1.84   Had its corporate culture changed?
  culture come 1.18   But that culture never came back.
  culture make 1.18   The culture can make it tough.
  culture seem 1.05   And the corporate cultures seem to fit.
  culture begin 0.99   Some say its culture has also begun to change.
  culture do 0.99   But every culture does something.
  culture go 0.86   Culture goes on and on.
  culture take 0.86   Street culture has taken a literal turn.
  culture use 0.72   But not all drug cultures use the same tools.
  culture flourish 0.66   The Brotherhood provided the moral climate in which more strident cultures could flourish.
  culture offer 0.66   So American popular culture offers a powerful promise.
  culture work 0.66   The culture must work.
  culture clash 0.59   Cultures clash.
  culture embrace 0.59   Chinese pop culture has embraced almost everything American, particularly basketball.
  culture evolve 0.59   How would their culture have evolved?
  culture influence 0.59   The culture has influenced my dress and speech.
  culture require 0.59   Different cultures require different modes of social behavior.
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