crude price 23.30   Crude prices rose again.
  crude bomb 11.72   It was a crude bomb packed with ball bearings.
  crude export 4.54   Almost all Canadian crude exports go to the U.S.
  crude future 3.69   Other factors also pressured crude futures lower.
  crude supply 2.76   Crude supplies are now at their highest in three years.
  crude inventory 2.50   Crude inventories, however, increased.
  crude production 2.17   Lajous said the incident would have no effect on crude production.
  crude stock 1.78   Most analysts expected crude stocks to fall.
  crude import 1.71   In turn, banks could become wary about financing crude imports.
  crude device 1.51   Police described bombs as crude devices.
  crude language 1.51   The colorfully crude language is simple verisimilitude.
  crude reserve 1.18   Its crude reserves are estimated at four billion barrels.
  crude weapon 1.12   So far the crude weapons have failed to kill anybody.
  crude contract 0.99   Some other crude contracts were lower, however.
  crude drawing 0.99   All she has is a crude drawing printed on pamphlets.
  crude output 0.99   The bulk of crude output comes from Abu Dhabi and rest from Dubai.
  crude cost 0.92   Higher crude costs may be eroding profits at some companies, though.
  crude form 0.86   This is the virus in very crude simple diagrammatic form.
  crude lower 0.86   Products futures followed crude lower.
  crude humor 0.79   Rated PG for profanity and crude humor.
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