crippled economy 1.05   A crippled economy.
  crippled plane 0.86   The airport was closed as the crippled plane remained stuck on the runway.
  crippled ship 0.79   Then they pushed on to save their crippled ship.
  crippled aircraft 0.72   Reid was forced to bail out of the crippled aircraft.
  crippled beggar 0.46   Crippled beggars dodge under wheels on planks fitted on roller skates.
  crippled boat 0.39   The crippled boat was later towed back to Scarborough harbour.
  crippled city 0.39   The people of this crippled city celebrated Monday.
  crippled industry 0.39   Ongoing strikes have already crippled major industries.
  crippled carrier 0.33   The grounded ship was declared a maritime emergency, and officials were working to control the oil flow from the crippled carrier, he said.
  crippled freighter 0.33   The survivors said Saturday they listened helplessly as trapped shipmates slid beneath the seas with their crippled freighter.
  crippled leg 0.33   He heaved his crippled leg into an easier position.
  crippled supertanker 0.33   On Monday, more aircraft were dispatched to spray a new oil slick seen near the crippled supertanker with dispersant chemicals.
  crippled yacht 0.33   Dubois managed in huge waves to board a raft dropped close to his crippled yacht, Pour Amnesty International, by a long-range RAAF Orion on Monday.
  crippled business 0.26   They were the landladies of ryokans -- traditional Japanese-style inns -- who say the tax has crippled business in recent years.
  crippled child 0.26   He also worked summers in a home for crippled children.
  crippled destroyer 0.26   When the crippled destroyer appeared, a few men pointed at it and laughed.
  crippled helicopter 0.26   The military said Tiger rebels blew up the crippled helicopter.
  crippled man 0.26   Last week, a dead black man and a crippled black man found value.
  crippled vessel 0.26   Rescuers hope to airlift her off the crippled vessel on Sunday.
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