crew member 226.07   Both crew members were killed.
  crew module 2.30   The crew module itself is more than two years tardy.
  crew mate 1.97   A crew mate will assist from the hatchway.
  crew work 1.51   Crew work coming around.
  crew quarter 1.32   Level two is the crew quarters.
  crew commander 0.92   The crew commander later died in a hospital, he said.
  crew compartment 0.92   The Spacelab is linked to the shuttle crew compartment by a long tunnel.
  crew capsule 0.86   The crown jewel of Sea Cliff is its crew capsule.
  crew shortage 0.86   This was a result of a crew shortage, said Lazu, the ticket agent.
  crew leader 0.79   Growers pay a crew leader a lump sum to hire workers at harvest time.
  crew team 0.79   On the crew team.
  crew cabin 0.72   Stewards make up all crew cabins.
  crew change 0.66   Crew changes?
  crew coach 0.66   I learned that from an old crew coach.
  crew home 0.66   Mir has an attached Soyuz capsule that can bring the crew home in an emergency.
  crew error 0.59   But some reports are still being prepared, and the extent of crew error is unclear.
  crew hostage 0.53   Some take crews hostage and demand ransom.
  crew uniform 0.53   The masked bandits wore sewer crew uniforms and boots, the news reports said.
  crew worker 0.53   A seventh victim was a demolition crew worker.
  crew cab 0.46   Meanwhile, the big trend in pickup trucks is four-door crew cabs.
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