crash be 32.46   His only crash was in Latvia.
  crash occur 18.17   But crashes do occur.
  crash happen 5.73   Then, the crash happens.
  crash kill 3.75   That crash killed two people.
  crash come 3.36   Then came the crash.
  crash take 2.11   Car crashes take a lot of people, too.
  crash result 1.97   The crashes resulted in four deaths.
  crash leave 1.91   The crash left him with a broken leg.
  crash appear 1.51   The crash appeared to be an accident.
  crash cause 1.45   The crash caused a fuel leak.
  crash involve 1.32   The Comair crash did not involve such a ridge.
  crash lead 0.86   The crash led the mothers of four victims to act.
  crash have 0.79   The crash could have economic implications for all U.S. airlines.
  crash send 0.79   A plane crash on Monday sent jitters among the diplomats.
  crash make 0.72   Crash would have made it as a manager.
  crash prompt 0.72   Deadly crashes also have prompted some city governments and individuals to take matters into their own hands.
  crash damage 0.66   The crash damaged its nose, landing gear and right engine.
  crash land 0.66   The second crash landed nearby.
  crash bring 0.59   The crash brought them home.
  crash force 0.59   Montoya led that race until a crash forced him out.
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