cramped quarter 4.08   Prisoners live in similarly cramped quarters.
  cramped apartment 2.83   They all lived together in a cramped apartment.
  cramped office 2.44   Granelli said in his cramped office.
  cramped condition 1.71   ...intolerably cramped conditions.
  cramped space 1.71   Cramped space?
  cramped room 1.51   Cramped room.
  cramped cell 0.72   Presently, Gao shares a cramped cell in Jinzhong prison.
  cramped cockpit 0.59   A desperate battle ensued in the cramped cockpit.
  cramped confine 0.59   The latter found himself in cramped confines.
  cramped corner 0.46   But once in office, Clinton found himself in the same cramped corner as eight previous presidents.
  cramped house 0.46   Cramped Japanese houses are also packed with little dangers.
  cramped kitchen 0.46   Wet laundry droops from a rack in her cramped kitchen.
  cramped studio 0.46   He looked around his cramped studio at the factory, its surfaces littered with molds.
  cramped trailer 0.46   The cramped trailer smelled vaguely like a medicine cabinet full of vitamins.
  cramped basement 0.39   All hospital activity was confined to the cramped basement.
  cramped courtroom 0.39   In the cramped courtroom, they sat on a narrow bench.
  cramped seating 0.39   Even some supercab styles may offer cramped seating for rear-seat passengers.
  cramped area 0.33   Passing him in the cramped area of the cockpit, her bare leg brushed against the coarseness of his knee.
  cramped cage 0.33   Zoo officials want more money to improve the cramped cages, but the Government has been unwilling to provide funds.
  cramped capsule 0.33   Unlike the cramped capsule of his first flight, the larger shuttle cabin allowed Glenn to float free.
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