crack be 10.27   There are cracks.
  crack appear 7.04   Cracks appear in leftist alliance.
  crack begin 2.24   In recent years, cracks began showing.
  crack open 1.78   This week another crack opened.
  crack develop 1.12   If cracks develop in the wood, Poria can get to the untreated core.
  crack start 1.05   Cracks start.
  crack show 0.86   But now, cracks are showing.
  crack have 0.53   But by then crack had its special status in state and federal law.
  crack occur 0.53   Cracks also can occur in a steel-reinforced slab of concrete.
  crack open_up 0.53   And a crack opens up a foot or so above him.
  crack widen 0.53   The crack is widening by the moment.
  crack become 0.39   The cracks are becoming the Grand Canyon.
  crack cause 0.39   The cracks could cause the discs to fly apart and prompt engine failure, the FAA said.
  crack go 0.39   Crack has gone country.
  crack run 0.39   Cracks ran through peach-colored concrete walls.
  crack spread 0.33   The New York Times reported that crack was spreading to the suburbs.
  crack come 0.26   The cracks came back.
  crack make 0.26   Some cracks did not make it onto the show.
  crack prompt 0.26   It was unclear whether the cracks would prompt a redesigning of the aircraft.
  crack split 0.26   The rock foundation had worn away and cracks had split all four main walls.
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