cozy relationship 4.74   Both sides benefit from the cozy relationship.
  cozy relation 1.32   It also has highlighted the cozy relations between politicians and big business.
  cozy tie 1.18   Cozy ties between member firms.
  cozy arrangement 0.92   The plans are delighted with the cozy arrangement.
  cozy atmosphere 0.79   There was a cozy atmosphere in the bar.
  cozy home 0.72   Hardin bought her cozy home two years ago.
  cozy confine 0.66   That can be dangerous in the cozy confines of Tiger Stadium.
  cozy room 0.59   But peace, not despair, warms the cozy rooms.
  cozy place 0.53   Just a simple saltbox house, a cozy place to hang our candy canes.
  cozy cottage 0.46   Transform your ho-hum ranch house into a cozy English cottage with window boxes.
  cozy fire 0.46   A cozy little fire burned in the hearth.
  cozy spot 0.46   Find a cozy spot and enjoy.
  cozy cafe 0.39   Live music fills cozy cafes.
  cozy club 0.39   Outside the cozy Senate club, however, her reputation for serious, hard work has yet to register.
  cozy country 0.39   I was charmed by the cozy country inn.
  cozy feel 0.39   Two tricks also helped complete the cozy feel.
  cozy house 0.39   The aptly named restaurant is a cozy little refitted house with service Fort Worth could aspire to.
  cozy restaurant 0.39   A cozy Japanese restaurant, with tatami mat floors, overlooking Lake Ashi.
  cozy world 0.39   The cozy world of mom-and-pop garden shops is under siege.
  cozy corner 0.33   How many venture out of their cozy corner to acquaint themselves with the customers?
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