cover with 264.25   Cover with clingfilm and chill.
  cover in 114.94   It was covered in grey dust.
  cover for 17.25   Does she cover for him?
  cover under 11.32   Am I still covered under BUPA?
  cover from 8.03   It covers us from here to there.
  cover by 6.45   Book covers by Cramer and Maier.
  cover on 5.13   Any Elvis covers on the new CD?
  cover as 4.28   Covering as spot.
  cover at 2.70   Mare covered at the wrong time.
  cover over 1.71   Though leadened skies may cover over days of blue.
  cover of 1.65   Covers of blues standards.
  cover through 1.38   Language work can also be covered through drama or role-play.
  cover during 1.25   If planted in winter, cover during a freeze.
  cover to 1.12   Always cover to steam.
  cover about 0.92   The mountain covers about the size of a baseball diamond.
  cover against 0.92   Doctors are concerned to cover themselves against charges of negligence.
  cover until 0.86   Cover until water returns to a boil.
  cover like 0.59   We are covering her like a war.
  cover before 0.46   Thong had covered Angelica before sitting up, Ou said.
  cover nearby 0.39   Then massive forest fires in Indonesia covered nearby countries with smoke.
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