courthouse step 3.09   They were all on the courthouse steps.
  courthouse lawn 1.32   Two time capsules are buried in the courthouse lawn.
  courthouse hallway 1.05   Anwar told a group of reporters in the courthouse hallway.
  courthouse door 0.99   One young man rushed the courthouse door.
  courthouse employee 0.66   She normally serves sandwiches to the courthouse employees who are regulars.
  courthouse entrance 0.53   But there are no detectors at the courthouse entrance, Lyon said.
  courthouse ground 0.53   At the inauguration, he said, he will plant a tree on the courthouse grounds.
  courthouse lobby 0.46   She was visibly upset when Kunstler tried to comfort her afterward in the federal courthouse lobby.
  courthouse worker 0.46   Half are repeat attempts, courthouse workers say.
  courthouse complex 0.39   Government sharpshooters watched over the courthouse complex from its rooftop all day.
  courthouse corridor 0.39   Suddenly, one of the mothers had exploded at the other, raving and hurling obscenities at her in the crowded courthouse corridor.
  courthouse gate 0.39   Hundreds of police thrust themselves between Sharif and the crowd as his car approached the giant black steel courthouse gates.
  courthouse construction 0.33   Federal courts rely upon discretionary funding for court staff, administrative support services, and courthouse construction.
  courthouse elevator 0.33   Whiten declined comment as he and Glynn walked toward the courthouse elevators.
  courthouse guard 0.33   They would alert courthouse guards when she entered.
  courthouse office 0.33   As Mosier spoke, a German television crew waited outside his courthouse office for an interview.
  courthouse official 0.33   Dan Levey had tried to warn courthouse officials.
  courthouse basement 0.26   Unhappy about being blindsided, they stick McNulty in a special unit shoved in a moldy courthouse basement.
  courthouse building 0.26   And the judge has ordered reporters not to talk to family members from either side inside the courthouse building.
  courthouse vault 0.26   The shipment is stored in courthouse vaults.
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