coup attempt 42.53   The US helped to crush the coup attempt.
  coup leader 28.11   Alleged coup leaders executed.
  coup plot 10.01   Mandela concerned about coup plot.
  coup plotter 8.36   He denounced the coup plotters.
  coup rumor 2.70   Coup rumors abound.
  coup bid 2.37   The prince has denied involvement in the coup bid.
  coup supporter 1.05   Coup supporters say Buyoya will be able to control the army and the police.
  coup suspect 0.72   A leading Methodist minister on Wednesday urged Abacha to show mercy on the condemned coup suspects.
  coup report 0.66   Mandela meets with military on coup report.
  coup threat 0.53   Her government faced almost daily coup threats from disgruntled soldiers.
  coup trial 0.46   Coup trial for deposed co-premier.
  coup allegation 0.39   The military denied the coup allegations, but also took measures to prosecute Aksener.
  coup anniversary 0.39   Libya celebrates coup anniversary.
  coup participant 0.39   A Sao Tomean officer interviewed on Portuguese TSF radio said the coup participants would not be prosecuted.
  coup strongman 0.39   Coup strongman Lt. Col. Michel Francois was trained at Fort Benning, Georgia.
  coup charge 0.26   Former president appears in court on coup charges.
  coup maker 0.26   The coup makers were reacting against both the style and substance of the Chavez government.
  coup spokesman 0.26   Another coup spokesman, Col. Abdul Sesay, later said the Nigerians were released.
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