count vote 27.19   Count the vote.
  count ballot 17.71   The ballots were counted Wednesday.
  count number 8.03   Count the numbers.
  count most 6.25   And speed counts most, he said.
  count blessing 6.12   I count my blessings.
  count money 4.34   Count your money.
  count people 2.90   We can count people.
  count cost 2.83   But before you start, count the cost.
  count dead 1.97   But counting the dead is next to impossible.
  count head 1.84   Outside again, Parks quickly counted heads.
  count body 1.58   Other bodies were counted Saturday after being taken to the morgue.
  count center 1.32   Police remain on alert at counting centers throughout the islands.
  count loss 1.18   Farmers count their losses.
  count calorie 1.12   Count calories.
  count sheep 1.12   Counting sheep.
  count way 1.12   Count the ways.
  count one 1.05   You certainly got to count one.
  count change 0.99   Count change.
  count chicken 0.99   And never count your chickens.
  count penny 0.92   -- Count your pennies.
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