count as 40.55   Do they count as money?
  count for 29.23   Art counted for nothing.
  count in 20.08   Can justice be counted in money?
  count among 15.01   Count me among them.
  count against 7.97   This counted against them.
  count toward 6.58   Bonus miles do not count toward elite status.
  count down 3.62   Counting down the days.
  count of 3.62   Counting of votes was very slow.
  count to 3.55   He counted to six.
  count at 2.30   What counts at the end?
  count with 1.97   With dimples that counted!
  count towards 1.78   Class participation counts towards the final grade.
  count out_of 1.32   Count me out of that last one.
  count after 1.18   Then he counts them after.
  count off 1.12   He counts off the Bosnian cities.
  count until 0.99   Votes will not be counted until Monday.
  count from 0.79   She can already count from one to twenty.
  count under 0.59   He began counting under his breath.
  count before 0.53   Before that he counted the days until summer break.
  count during 0.53   The two of them beat everyone who counted during their time.
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