corrupt politics 1.05   What is corrupting our politics is not money.
  corrupt system 0.72   It corrupts the system.
  corrupt datum 0.53   ...corrupted data.
  corrupt file 0.53   The original file was corrupted, so they had to reenter the data.
  corrupt election 0.46   Money alone neither corrupts elections nor quells the public voice.
  corrupt official 0.46   Israeli newspapers have accused the Russian mafia of corrupting municipal officials.
  corrupt child 0.39   Nor will poor children be corrupted by tales of life in upper-middle-class English boarding schools.
  corrupt language 0.39   That he has corrupted the language in undeniable.
  corrupt government 0.33   Sen. John McCain tells the big money boys that their campaign donations are corrupting government.
  corrupt practice 0.33   But he said would not focus on pursuing those who engaged in corrupt practices in the past.
  corrupt process 0.33   The process was corrupted and the people betrayed.
  corrupt culture 0.26   The culture has been corrupted by Western influences.
  corrupt man 0.26   Carman countered that many rich men have been corrupted.
  corrupt mind 0.26   What poison has corrupted his mind?
  corrupt minor 0.26   They want her extradited on charges of corrupting a minor.
  corrupt people 0.26   Big-time high school sports can harden or even corrupt young people.
  corrupt result 0.26   Gibberish or a message about corrupted files results.
  corrupt young 0.26   It corrupts the young.
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