coordinate effort 23.77   Margiotta was deputized to coordinate the effort.
  coordinate policy 9.48   The OECD coordinates economic policies among its members.
  coordinate activity 7.64   They said they coordinated their activities with Israeli officials.
  coordinate operation 4.81   There are problems coordinating operations on the ground.
  coordinate action 4.54   They coordinated the action.
  coordinate response 3.75   The EU is coordinating its response with the United States.
  coordinate work 3.49   Hewlett-Packard will coordinate their work.
  coordinate position 2.83   The two leaders meet frequently to coordinate their positions.
  coordinate aid 2.57   Europeans ready to coordinate aid.
  coordinate strategy 2.57   The three have met periodically to coordinate strategy.
  coordinate project 2.30   They decided to use their experience to coordinate drilling projects.
  coordinate attack 1.97   But the Flyers had difficulty coordinating their attack.
  coordinate fight 1.97   It also sets up a committee to coordinate the fight against money laundering.
  coordinate investigation 1.97   French and Swiss police met Wednesday to coordinate their investigations.
  coordinate program 1.91   The United Nations could help coordinate such programs, Kono said.
  coordinate campaign 1.65   The WWF has been coordinating a campaign to put out forest fires.
  coordinate plan 1.65   It did not look as if the two men had coordinated their plans.
  coordinate service 1.58   A case manager will coordinate services for each family and track their progress.
  coordinate sale 1.51   The two officials coordinated the sale.
  coordinate event 1.45   The museum also coordinates educational events for schoolchildren.
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