cooperation with 170.11   Anyhow, I had excellent cooperation with Americans.
  cooperation between 121.40   There is active cooperation between the two schools.
  cooperation in 102.37   Bush will seek increased cooperation in Afghanistan.
  cooperation on 28.83   Albright promises cooperation on Okinawa.
  cooperation of 28.04   Schools need the cooperation of parents.
  cooperation from 25.21   Cooperation from Parliament would help.
  cooperation among 21.26   Cooperation among Eastern European countries is improving.
  cooperation against 5.66   Discussed cooperation against terrorism with senior Israeli officials.
  cooperation by 4.67   So does the continued lack of cooperation by the White House.
  cooperation to 3.82   It appealed to the missions to extend cooperation to the militia.
  cooperation for 3.49   And he managed to wreck Kurdish cooperation for a long time.
  cooperation during 3.23   Experience of cooperation during the war set the final seal.
  cooperation as 2.50   Israel rejected the offer of cooperation as too little, too late.
  cooperation within 2.44   The two discussed intensifying bilateral cooperation within the Baltic Sea region.
  cooperation over 2.37   Cooperation over Zaire appears more complex.
  cooperation at 2.30   There has been much cooperation at this level.
  cooperation after 1.58   They increased their cooperation after the war ended.
  cooperation rather_than 1.38   But the focus appeared to be on cooperation rather than conflict.
  cooperation despite 1.18   He pledged cooperation despite deep differences over anti-missile defenses.
  cooperation through 1.18   It envisages closer military cooperation through bilateral agreements.
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