cooperate help 0.79   Former enemies cooperated to help erstwhile foes to their feet.
  cooperate prevent 0.66   We agree to cooperate to prevent nuclear smuggling.
  cooperate fight 0.59   The Hong Kong official added that regional law enforcement agencies have to cooperate to fight piracy on the Internet.
  cooperate stabilize 0.46   He said, without elaboration, that the two countries will cooperate to stabilize the foreign exchange market.
  cooperate avoid 0.33   Even people who tend to be selfish cooperate in order to avoid embarrassment, Gintis said.
  cooperate develop 0.33   The two companies have also announced plans to cooperate to develop joint ventures in southeast Asia.
  cooperate ensure 0.33   Both have insisted on the need to cooperate to ensure the smooth transition in their key jobs.
  cooperate stop 0.33   For the last few years, U.S. and Chinese law enforcement agencies have sometimes cooperated to stop contraband drug shipments.
  cooperate counter 0.26   The ministers agreed that they will cooperate to counter erratic moves of foreign exchange rates.
  cooperate end 0.26   But then, Israel has to cooperate to end the hopeless unbearableness of the Palestinian existence.
  cooperate establish 0.26   You have to cooperate to establish rules for a sports league.
  cooperate get 0.26   Rival Japanese and Chinese gangs cooperate to get drugs to the West.
  cooperate keep 0.26   It was the first concrete sign that the two conservative parties were willing to cooperate to keep the Islamic Welfare Party from gaining power.
  cooperate make 0.26   A child will have to be really ready to cooperate to make night training worthwhile.
  cooperate produce 0.26   ANSA and Bloomberg are cooperating to produce this new television news venture which is broadcast by satellite by Telepiu.
  cooperate promote 0.26   We must cooperate to promote global growth and prosperity.
  cooperate solve 0.26   The two casts of characters, although ostensibly cooperating to solve a crime of mutual interest, detest each other.
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