cool economy 8.82   In turn, that could cool the economy in the United States.
  cool heel 3.82   You cool your heels, literally.
  cool air 2.30   Fog forms when moist air is cooled to saturation.
  cool temper 1.84   He was the one who cooled tempers.
  cool body 1.18   Anesthetics also cool the body.
  cool mixture 1.18   Pour cooled berry mixture into bowl.
  cool tension 1.18   Swiss and Israelis try to cool tension.
  cool demand 1.12   A drop in the U.S. dollar cooled demand for bonds, traders said.
  cool reactor 0.99   Tourists often travel along the canal which supplies water to cool the reactors.
  cool relation 0.92   The dispute has cooled relations between the two countries.
  cool market 0.72   Now, they too are calling for measures to cool the market.
  cool rhetoric 0.72   Beijing cools rhetoric, waiting for concessions from Taiwan.
  cool cookie 0.66   Cool the cookies on a rack.
  cool water 0.66   Cooling the water is the biggest obstacle.
  cool cake 0.59   Spread over cooled cake.
  cool dispute 0.59   Israel has similarly sought to cool the dispute.
  cool enthusiasm 0.59   T. Rowe Price, the fund company in Baltimore, also tries to cool investor enthusiasm in its latest investor newsletter.
  cool growth 0.59   From copper to cotton, a slowdown in Asia cooled demand growth for raw materials.
  cool room 0.59   Without air conditioning, the room is cooled by a fan.
  cool area 0.53   Firefighters took three hours to douse the flames and cool the area.
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