convincing evidence 6.39   Both men can cite some convincing evidence.
  convincing victory 5.40   What they saw was a convincing victory.
  convincing win 4.41   A convincing win.
  convincing argument 3.88   He makes a pretty convincing argument.
  convincing case 3.55   Each side makes a convincing case.
  convincing explanation 1.65   There is a more convincing explanation, however.
  convincing performance 1.58   But that takes a real convincing performance.
  convincing proof 1.25   But convincing proof was lacking.
  convincing reason 1.05   No one has a convincing reason for this.
  convincing fashion 0.92   He did in convincing fashion.
  convincing people 0.92   But convincing people at first seemed like a long shot.
  convincing way 0.92   Courtenay played the role in an utterly convincing way.
  convincing answer 0.79   Factual questions linger with no convincing answers.
  convincing lead 0.59   The Labour party has a convincing lead in all opinion polls.
  convincing majority 0.53   But it is not at all certain he will gain the convincing majority needed to silence his critics.
  convincing portrayal 0.46   As Artaud, Frey delivers a convincing portrayal of unapologetic depravity.
  convincing customer 0.39   She makes her living convincing customers to make purchases and investments.
  convincing display 0.39   Connecticut offered a convincing display.
  convincing margin 0.39   Germany won this regatta by a convincing margin.
  convincing sign 0.39   A more convincing sign of confidence would be a decision to let more soldiers come home from the front.
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