convict man 16.92   The man was convicted.
  convict people 5.46   Five people were convicted.
  convict defendant 5.20   Nineteen defendants were convicted.
  convict official 2.76   Several minor officials have been convicted.
  convict officer 2.63   Convicted officer still active in military.
  convict president 2.24   Former apartheid president is convicted.
  convict three 2.24   The jury convicted all three.
  convict suspect 1.84   The suspect was convicted.
  convict brother 1.58   The brothers later were convicted of murder in state court.
  convict two 1.58   The other two were convicted for trying to sell drugs.
  convict woman 1.58   The women were convicted of terrorism, Interfax said.
  convict member 1.51   Seven gang members were convicted.
  convict person 1.45   Nine persons have been convicted so far.
  convict four 1.18   All four were convicted.
  convict militant 1.05   A Muslim militant was convicted and executed in the case.
  convict soldier 0.99   Nine soldiers were later convicted of the killings.
  convict client 0.92   They convicted his client of murder in a non-death penalty case.
  convict leader 0.92   Nazi leaders were convicted of the offense.
  convict prisoner 0.92   The prisoners were recently convicted.
  convict doctor 0.86   The doctor initially was convicted of murder.
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