convert penalty 6.98   Bjur converted the penalty.
  convert proceeds 4.41   Those investors often convert dollar proceeds into their own currencies.
  convert dollar 4.34   When those dollars are converted, they buy more ringgit.
  convert sale 2.83   It also means each dollar sale can be converted into more yen.
  convert building 2.76   Later the building was converted into a school.
  convert try 2.50   Fanolua converted another try.
  convert energy 2.24   That is, it should be possible to convert energy into matter.
  convert debt 2.11   Public debts will be converted into euros.
  convert share 2.04   The shares can be converted to common stock next year.
  convert earnings 1.84   Many investors reporting are converting their earnings into dollars.
  convert sunlight 1.84   Photovoltaic cells convert sunlight to electricity.
  convert currency 1.78   The exchange rate is a conversion price for converting one currency to another.
  convert people 1.78   Church leaders deny they forcibly convert people.
  convert money 1.58   He then decreed that the money be converted into pesos.
  convert revenue 1.58   It also means lower profits when overseas revenues are converted into yen.
  convert loan 1.45   The loans were later converted into preferred stock.
  convert part 1.45   It converted parts of New York City into ghost towns.
  convert profit 1.38   And they lose money when they convert their foreign profits back into dollars.
  convert use 1.38   Yen swap rates, what traders use to convert fixed into floating rates, were mixed today in Tokyo.
  convert one 1.32   Germany, conversely, converted only one of nine.
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