contribution be 28.64   Contributions are tax-exempt.
  contribution come 5.00   Contributions come from all over the world.
  contribution go 1.97   Does the contribution go up for schools?
  contribution have 1.51   Defined contribution has several variations.
  contribution help 1.25   The right contribution helps our meetings.
  contribution buy 1.12   What will contributions buy you?
  contribution make 1.05   Contributions made..
  contribution influence 0.92   Did the contributions influence officials who hired him?
  contribution finance 0.79   It is financed by contributions from member states.
  contribution become 0.66   So their contributions became more valuable.
  contribution continue 0.66   The pension contribution will continue for many years.
  contribution include 0.66   The Edge contributions include the commercials about the aliens, the waterfall and the party.
  contribution increase 0.66   But the maximum contribution has not increased.
  contribution play 0.53   In these difficult days, contributions play a very important role.
  contribution fund 0.39   It is funded by contributions from financial institutions.
  contribution need 0.39   The proposed Dutch contribution still needs parliamentary approval.
  contribution seem 0.39   If the contribution seems REASONABLE a postal survey takes place.
  contribution rise 0.33   Contributions also rose and helped finance more lobbying.
  contribution allow 0.26   Critics charge that such contributions allow political candidates to circumvent campaign finance laws.
  contribution cover 0.26   The contributions may not cover the premiums in some years.
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