contribution to 162.81   He made a valuable contribution to our work.
  contribution from 70.90   Any additional contributions from abroad would be welcome.
  contribution of 27.98   The contribution of S u is then high.
  contribution by 11.45   Even contributions by premier artists are idiosyncratic.
  contribution in 11.26   Volunteers make a vital contribution in this country.
  contribution for 9.94   They make contributions for us.
  contribution on 3.69   Now women pay contributions on the same basis as men.
  contribution as 2.90   He praised Spring for his contribution as forign minister.
  contribution with 2.37   And the company matches his contributions with even more stock.
  contribution at 1.91   We made our contribution at the time.
  contribution towards 1.91   I consider it my contribution towards the betterment of mankind.
  contribution through 1.78   They make important contributions through the corporate taxes.
  contribution into 1.45   I have been paying contributions into this system.
  contribution toward 1.38   It makes no contribution toward a settlement.
  contribution during 0.92   Their contribution during the war had been important.
  contribution over 0.79   He won the award for his outstanding contribution over many years.
  contribution than 0.72   But apart from immigrants, no group has made a greater contribution than women.
  contribution under 0.66   Neither is a charitable contribution under the federal tax laws.
  contribution without 0.66   The Republican leadership backs an alternative bill that would limit soft money contributions without banning them.
  contribution after 0.53   DiIulio summarized his charitable contributions after The Associated Press asked about them.
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