contract disease 21.26   Not one, she said, has contracted the disease.
  contract virus 8.16   How had he contracted the virus?
  contract anthrax 5.92   Contracted inhaled anthrax.
  contract illness 2.76   No Carteret employees have contracted the illness.
  contract pneumonia 2.24   Ian contracted pneumonia.
  contract cancer 1.84   El-Saeed contracted cancer several years ago.
  contract work 1.84   He does contract work for various oil companies in the field.
  contract malaria 1.51   Some felt so odd that they wondered if they had contracted malaria.
  contract tuberculosis 1.51   Five of her fellow cadet nurses contracted tuberculosis.
  contract polio 1.25   The following year he contracted polio.
  contract cholera 1.05   A statement said investigations showed that the victims had contracted cholera in Thailand.
  contract hepatitis 0.99   But he contracted hepatitis and had to shelve those plans.
  contract infection 0.92   It was not immediately clear how the cow contracted the suspected infection.
  contract flu 0.79   Eighteen people contracted bird flu.
  contract service 0.72   His employer wanted to contract his services again, but Bagwell declined.
  contract muscle 0.66   You can contract your muscles.
  contract meningitis 0.59   Manno said she did not know how Ferraro had contracted meningitis.
  contract negotiation 0.59   This is, ultimately, a story about contract negotiations.
  contract bacterium 0.46   It is not clear if that patient contracted the bacteria at St. Joseph, Harder said.
  contract job 0.46   At American airports, such jobs are contracted out to specialized companies.
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