continual harassment 0.66   The women describe continual harassment.
  continual basis 0.59   His reviews of operations are on a continual basis.
  continual pressure 0.59   Often, because of the continual pressure, DeBerg lobbed the ball harmlessly in the air.
  continual struggle 0.53   Establishing a career as a filmmaker has been a continual struggle for Ichaso.
  continual process 0.46   Renewing the classics is a continual process.
  continual decline 0.39   A continual decline in prices pushes income down and hampers economic activity.
  continual improvement 0.39   There has been a continual improvement in standards.
  continual threat 0.39   They heard continual threats.
  continual change 0.33   It was a huge boost to the team, unsettled by continual changes of ownership.
  continual problem 0.33   The late reporting of trades, in particular, has been a continual problem.
  continual rain 0.33   The ground is waterlogged following continual rain throughout Sunday night and Monday.
  continual source 0.33   This was a continual source of amazement to me.
  continual assessment 0.26   Under the reforms, university entrance exams will be scrapped in favor of a more complicated continual assessment system.
  continual battle 0.26   He warns them they must wage a continual battle against fleas and not get complacent if they appear to be winning the war.
  continual growth 0.26   We are a huge society in continual growth.
  continual pain 0.26   Despite continual pain, he refused all drugs.
  continual use 0.26   The scene at the Capitol after a few days of continual use gets a little surreal.
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