continental crust 2.11   Several mechanisms for the subduction of continental crust have since emerged.
  continental spokesman 1.05   A Continental spokesman also declined to comment.
  continental championship 0.99   It was the only game played on the fourth day of the continental championships.
  continental official 0.99   Continental officials could not be reached.
  continental executive 0.86   Continental executives say passengers were the driving force.
  continental champion 0.79   As the African Cup holder, Nigeria is competing in the Intercontinental Cup tournament for continental champions.
  continental margin 0.79   The resulting orogen would be a modified continental margin type.
  continental flight 0.72   Similarly, KLM can do the same on several Continental flights out of Newark and Houston.
  continental cuisine 0.66   Two restaurants offer Continental cuisine.
  continental club 0.59   Both continental clubs use the six-a-side format in training.
  continental country 0.59   France would be the first continental European country to sell such bonds.
  continental market 0.59   No American firm has a big share of any continental European market.
  continental plate 0.53   He said it had occurred at the junction of two continental plates where movement was common.
  continental style 0.53   Both sides adopted the Continental style of play.
  continental employee 0.46   Continental employees grumbled about doing more work for the same pay.
  continental lithosphere 0.46   The heavy oceanic lithosphere descends into the mantle, beneath the lighter continental lithosphere.
  continental title 0.46   But after the continental title, Cruzeiro went into a tailspin.
  continental federation 0.39   The tournament will pit the champions of the six continental federations.
  continental pilot 0.39   There was a snatch of static and then the Continental pilot came on the air.
  continental currency 0.33   In Europe, a new continental currency and an expanded NATO will debut.
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