contest be 26.14   A real contest is rare.
  contest begin 2.24   And the contest began.
  contest have 1.71   The contest has a mixed reputation.
  contest become 1.45   But lately the contest has become a horse race.
  contest go 1.38   As I leave, it seems like the contest could go either way.
  contest end 1.05   The contest ends this evening.
  contest remain 0.86   But most contests remain undecided.
  contest take 0.86   The contest took place in Berlin.
  contest turn 0.86   The leadership contest has turned into a regional struggle.
  contest come 0.72   The Seabrook Farms contest comes to mind.
  contest pit 0.72   The contest pits the top amateur and pro bump skiers in the country.
  contest offer 0.59   The contest offers enough rich story lines to fill a gothic novel.
  contest run 0.59   The contest runs through Friday.
  contest start 0.59   That contest started last year.
  contest feature 0.53   The home-run contest features six first-time contestants.
  contest generate 0.53   So far, neither contest has generated racial issues or undercurrents.
  contest seem 0.53   A friendly contest seems to have changed things quite a bit.
  contest bring 0.46   Not all contests of one-upmanship bring such big scores.
  contest draw 0.46   That heated contest has drawn out a record number of voters in earlier primaries.
  contest involve 0.46   The contest involved two candidates who were polar opposites in political ideology.
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