contemporary art 29.69   Contemporary art in India?
  contemporary music 12.90   I listen to a lot of contemporary music.
  contemporary artist 10.73   Paintings by contemporary artists covered the walls.
  contemporary life 6.32   The book satirizes contemporary life.
  contemporary culture 4.61   ...contemporary queer culture.
  contemporary society 3.82   Contemporary society is about to vanish.
  contemporary works 2.90   Yet these are undeniably contemporary works.
  contemporary issue 2.70   Contemporary issues have been pushed aside.
  contemporary work 2.50   Contemporary African work?
  contemporary writer 2.24   Contemporary writers are read, too.
  contemporary composer 2.04   And there are contemporary composers.
  contemporary design 1.91   The magazine focuses on the latest trends in contemporary design.
  contemporary world 1.91   The contemporary world need not enter.
  contemporary history 1.84   There is a particular problem with contemporary history.
  contemporary architecture 1.78   Arquitectonica is the Ricky Martin of contemporary architecture.
  contemporary politics 1.71   He also wrote widely on contemporary Italian politics.
  contemporary account 1.65   The sea turned red, according to contemporary accounts.
  contemporary dance 1.65   What do they mean by contemporary dance?
  contemporary style 1.58   Contemporary styles are juxtaposed with historical ones.
  contemporary look 1.51   Often, characters re-emerge with a more contemporary look.
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