consistent basis 4.02   At least not on a consistent basis.
  consistent pattern 2.37   That is a fairly consistent pattern.
  consistent winner 1.97   Can Safin and Kuerten emerge as consistent winners?
  consistent earnings 1.91   He also looks for consistent earnings growth and little debt.
  consistent result 1.91   But they acknowledge it will take consistent results to get there.
  consistent play 1.65   Consistent play would do that.
  consistent player 1.65   He is a much more consistent player.
  consistent theme 1.38   One consistent theme is nationalism.
  consistent policy 1.32   So I think we have a consistent policy.
  consistent threat 1.32   Jones was their most consistent threat.
  consistent way 1.32   More problematic still was her consistent way of chopping long phrases.
  consistent effort 1.18   Marketing momentum comes from a consistent effort.
  consistent message 1.18   Consistent message.
  consistent performer 1.18   Consistent performer in any role.
  consistent pressure 1.18   There is no consistent pressure on opposing passers.
  consistent support 1.18   ...his consistent support of free trade.
  consistent growth 1.05   Sandoz has turned in consistent growth in profit and sales.
  consistent performance 1.05   Fundamentally, she ranks perhaps second only to Shannon Miller in consistent performance.
  consistent game 0.99   The most simple solution, Davie said, is a consistent running game.
  consistent success 0.99   Consistent success.
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