conservative government 36.01   Conservative governments thus face a dilemma.
  conservative group 33.51   But conservative groups hailed the votes.
  conservative party 20.87   She defected from the conservative party.
  conservative leader 17.97   A compassionate conservative leader.
  conservative opposition 16.13   The conservative opposition has been splintered.
  conservative politician 12.51   Conservative politicians have sided with the church.
  conservative candidate 12.18   I am the conservative candidate.
  conservative coalition 11.32   The conservative coalition responded Monday.
  conservative commentator 10.93   Conservative commentators, of course.
  conservative lawmaker 10.01   Conservative lawmakers have publicly objected.
  conservative member 9.61   A third conservative member resigned and moved out of state.
  conservative voter 9.41   Conservative voters had other ideas.
  conservative approach 8.56   It calls for maybe a conservative approach.
  conservative view 8.36   Do they share his conservative views?
  conservative activist 7.83   - Conservative activist Richard Scaife.
  conservative movement 7.77   They were leaders of the conservative movement.
  conservative agendum 7.04   Not just any conservative agenda will do.
  conservative organization 6.25   Conservative organizations oppose the legislation.
  conservative policy 6.06   Coles has staked out his conservative political policies.
  conservative legislator 5.66   Conservative legislators cheered with delight.
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