confrontation be 17.31   The confrontation is afoot.
  confrontation begin 2.96   And the confrontation began.
  confrontation take 2.63   Another confrontation took place Saturday.
  confrontation come 2.30   But that confrontation never came.
  confrontation occur 2.17   No confrontation occurred.
  confrontation erupt 1.71   In the tension, car windows were smashed and sidewalk confrontations erupted.
  confrontation escalate 1.65   Confrontations escalate in South Korea.
  confrontation end 1.25   Not all such confrontations end peacefully.
  confrontation loom 1.18   But a new confrontation looms over tax cuts.
  confrontation continue 0.92   Confrontations continued in the West Bank.
  confrontation turn 0.92   The confrontation turned ugly.
  confrontation have 0.86   The confrontation had serious repercussions for Lemarque.
  confrontation become 0.72   The confrontations become uglier as the war progresses.
  confrontation seem 0.72   The confrontation seems likely to continue.
  confrontation break_out 0.66   More confrontations broke out Sunday.
  confrontation lead 0.59   The confrontation led to the creation of the current commission.
  confrontation trigger 0.53   The confrontation has triggered widespread violence the past two Julys.
  confrontation create 0.46   Confrontation only creates the possibility for drama when it raises the possibility of change.
  confrontation ensue 0.46   A confrontation ensued.
  confrontation last 0.46   The confrontation lasted hours.
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