condom use 5.92   More condom use?
  condom distribution 1.65   She said the parents oppose condom distribution at school.
  condom ad 0.79   They also have condom ads on TV.
  condom program 0.59   Zimbabwe has a female condom program.
  condom demonstration 0.46   But at the time, they required the condom demonstrations for other ninth graders.
  condom manufacturer 0.46   It was paid for by the university and a condom manufacturer.
  condom sale 0.46   But condom sales probably will not suffer the same fate.
  condom machine 0.39   He wanted the state to install condom machines.
  condom campaign 0.33   Condom campaigns at last appear to be slowing the spread of the virus in Africa and Asia.
  condom package 0.26   Next Brand found a half-dozen unopened condom packages.
  condom usage 0.26   Much was done to promote condom usage.
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