conceptual framework 1.32   Simmons proceeds to offer a stronger conceptual framework.
  conceptual approach 0.53   Kaufman asked, taking the conceptual approach.
  conceptual problem 0.46   Posner said he recognizes the conceptual problems with the tables.
  conceptual stage 0.46   The game was awarded to a stadium in the conceptual stages.
  conceptual leap 0.39   Famie never made this daring conceptual leap.
  conceptual thinking 0.39   The plan reflects bold conceptual thinking on a grand scale.
  conceptual model 0.33   The two systems are, at bottom, conceptual models.
  conceptual work 0.33   The title comes from a poem by Yoko Ono, whose conceptual work is a star attraction in this informative show.
  conceptual difference 0.26   The problem is a conceptual difference.
  conceptual difficulty 0.26   Conceptual difficulties are underpinned by organisational ones.
  conceptual drawing 0.26   It is also the first proposal to include conceptual drawings, Ferrer said.
  conceptual flaw 0.26   The result, inevitably, has ups and downs, peaks and dead spots and some major conceptual flaws.
  conceptual skill 0.26   But at the highest tier, conceptual skills are crucial.
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