concentrated in 38.78   All of his beauty is concentrated in his voice.
  concentrated among 2.17   Now, they are concentrated among people like Kim Daily.
  concentrated around 1.97   Most are concentrated around the Keys.
  concentrated at 1.78   All the cash is concentrated at the maturity of a strips.
  concentrated over 1.18   So far...The heavy rains have not been concentrated over any local areas.
  concentrated on 0.92   But she looked trimmer and concentrated on the court Wednesday.
  concentrated near 0.86   Damage was concentrated near the Colombian port city of Tumaco.
  concentrated into 0.79   Most are concentrated into a space of only a few city blocks.
  concentrated along 0.53   They are concentrated especially along the former front-lines.
  concentrated across 0.46   Showers will be most concentrated across western South Dakota.
  concentrated with 0.46   As a seeker of an ideal, he was wonderfully concentrated with an elongated silhouette.
  concentrated within 0.46   Development has been concentrated mainly within Baltimore City.
  concentrated for 0.33   I said we had to remain concentrated for the remainder of the game.
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