concede defeat 26.66   MCI is not conceding defeat.
  concede goal 5.99   Lama has yet to concede a goal.
  concede point 4.28   Brock concedes the point.
  concede election 2.50   Concede the election.
  concede race 2.30   They did not concede the race.
  concede victory 1.45   Julich, however, was not conceding victory.
  concede penalty 1.32   Barness had also conceded the penalty.
  concede game 1.12   She only conceded nine games in her previous four matches.
  concede match 1.05   Enquist concedes the match.
  concede loss 0.99   Under pressure, Milosevic later conceded losses in two of the towns.
  concede run 0.86   He conceded six runs in his first over.
  concede problem 0.72   Winston conceded the problem.
  concede corner 0.66   And still Collimore and then Hill has to concede the corner.
  concede ground 0.66   At an afternoon news conference, Giuliani conceded no ground on the issue.
  concede presidency 0.66   They watched Al Gore concede the presidency and George W. Bush claim it.
  concede demand 0.59   India has refused to concede the demand.
  concede error 0.59   Knowles refused to concede her error.
  concede failure 0.59   PNG Prime Minister Sir Julius Chan has virtually conceded failure.
  concede title 0.59   But no one is conceding the title.
  concede putt 0.53   The putt was conceded.
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