compress datum 1.32   With movies on DVD, the sound data is compressed.
  compress file 1.12   Compress the file you plan to hide.
  compress air 0.66   However, air can be compressed.
  compress time 0.66   The camera freezes and can also compress time.
  compress signal 0.46   Digital signals can be compressed to take up less space.
  compress lip 0.39   He compressed his lips in silent offence.
  compress lung 0.39   The technique compresses infected lungs, giving them time to rest and heal.
  compress breast 0.33   With some equipment, the technician uses the paddle to manually compress the breast.
  compress image 0.33   Kodak recently said it had developed a technique for further compressing images.
  compress chest 0.26   But his body got squeezed and his chest was compressed.
  compress information 0.26   Moreover, FastCD can compress information.
  compress mixture 0.26   When the mixture is compressed, it creates heat.
  compress nerve 0.26   Lynn, though, said Larkin compressed a nerve and it prevents him from gripping a bat.
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