comprehensive peace 15.54   How does it fit within a comprehensive peace?
  comprehensive plan 7.97   Creating comprehensive plans to address growth.
  comprehensive review 7.24   Comprehensive review has had an effect.
  comprehensive settlement 6.19   The American role in reaching a comprehensive settlement was essential.
  comprehensive study 6.12   A comprehensive study might take another year.
  comprehensive coverage 5.00   APTV has comprehensive coverage.
  comprehensive reform 3.62   In any case, comprehensive reform is not necessarily dead.
  comprehensive program 3.55   Some provide comprehensive daylong programs.
  comprehensive list 3.16   A more comprehensive list is in use now, Pride said.
  comprehensive package 3.16   APTV has a comprehensive package.
  comprehensive approach 2.96   But they needed a more comprehensive approach.
  comprehensive agreement 2.70   They may be revived if discussions on a comprehensive agreement resume.
  comprehensive survey 2.63   Yet neither is a comprehensive survey.
  comprehensive look 2.44   A comprehensive look at victory gardens.
  comprehensive strategy 2.24   They had to be met through a comprehensive strategy.
  comprehensive guide 2.11   Comprehensive guide to Java and JavaScript, NEW STRAITS TIMES-
  comprehensive information 2.11   Comprehensive information on conditions in North Korea is scarce.
  comprehensive report 2.11   The result is found in a comprehensive UN report.
  comprehensive system 2.11   He would like a more comprehensive system.
  comprehensive range 2.04   A comprehensive range of editing features is provided.
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