complete without 12.38   No birthday is complete without cake.
  complete by 5.53   That should be complete by September.
  complete in 3.49   Construction will be complete in two years.
  complete for 1.38   Records are not yet complete for August.
  complete within 1.32   Construction should be complete within a year.
  complete as 1.05   We are working to make this change as complete as possible.
  complete before 0.79   The staff should be complete before the end of the week.
  complete until 0.79   Funeral arrangements were not expected to be complete until Sunday.
  complete at 0.72   The reorganization is essentially complete at Veterans Hospital.
  complete on 0.59   Lab tests were not complete on whether the child had E. coli.
  complete than 0.33   It even has a merchandising page more complete than some retail outlets.
  complete to 0.26   It was thus possible to assemble a bridge pier and lower it complete on to the river bed.
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