commodity price 40.16   Commodity prices fell sharply.
  commodity market 17.05   Developments in commodities market.
  commodity fund 7.31   Large commodity funds were noted sellers.
  commodity exchange 5.13   Two commodities exchanges are coming to New Jersey.
  commodity trader 3.62   A performance artist and a former commodities trader.
  commodity business 3.03   Retailing has become a commodity business in many ways.
  commodity group 1.97   Lobbyists for the various commodity groups immediately grasped the threat.
  commodity index 1.65   Commodity indexes were little changed.
  commodity broker 1.58   A family friend, the commodities broker.
  commodity future 1.38   Other agricultural commodity futures were mixed.
  commodity producer 1.38   Their prices might fall, hurting commodity producers.
  commodity export 1.18   There also have been significant declines in commodity exports to South Korea and Taiwan.
  commodity product 1.12   But most concede that the perception of tires as a commodity product is their fault.
  commodity program 1.12   There are some commodity programs that will go unscathed.
  commodity chemical 1.05   The plant also manufactures plastics and commodity chemicals.
  commodity contract 1.05   In their simplest form they can be commodities futures contracts or stock options.
  commodity company 0.79   Investors for years treated Intel like a commodities company.
  commodity item 0.79   Web-only retailers also do well selling commodity items such as books and music CDs.
  commodity sector 0.66   There is no doubt that one should be proactive in making the most of the commodity sector.
  commodity stock 0.53   Commodity stocks led the fall.
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